Energy Efficiency (Standard and Labelling) Order, 2021
01 August 2021
The recently introduced Energy Efficiency (Standards and Labeling) Order, 2021 (SLO) by the Ministry of Energy set a standard requirement for the importation of high energy efficient electrical appliances into the country. The Order is part of the Ministry of Energy's national initiative towards achieving a greener energy path to encourage the use of more energy efficient appliances in the country which will bring about impactful, financial, economic and environmental benefits for businesses and consumers.
The national electrical appliances' market can be broadly defined as consisting of high efficiency and sub-standard appliances. In view of the current market, the Order aims to phase out the import or sale of products that do not meet the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (Minimum 1-star rating) whilst simultaneously educate the public and consumers to use more energy-efficient electrical appliances in their daily life. The use of energy efficient product is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce electricity consumption, that subsequently leads to a reduction of monthly bills.
The Order will be implemented in stages, firstly involving air-conditioning system appliances and to be followed by other energy intensive household electrical appliances. Air conditioning system accounts for almost 60% of electricity consumption in buildings where its usage is prevalent in almost all homes, government and commercial buildings in Brunei Darussalam according to a report published by ASEAN-SHINE in 2015.
Currently in its grace period from 14th June 2021 to 13th June 2022, the Order still allows suppliers to sell the remaining stock of products that do not meet the new standards. Additionally, any sub-standard air conditioning systems that are already installed in premises prior to the full enforcement of this Order will not be affected.
Notably, the Order will also introduce a Labelling Scheme using a star rating system to provide relevant information as a means to educate the public and consumers on the energy-efficiency level of electrical appliances available in the market, whereby more stars indicate a more energy efficient appliance. As such, the public will be able to recognize and be guided on the choices of the energy efficient appliances sold in the market. Starting next month, the Ministry will kick-start several roadshows in all districts to educate the public on the Order.
For any inquiries on matters pertaining to the Order, the public may contact the Ministry of Energy's Sustainable Energy Division at 2384488 ext 1298 or email at